Trying to sleep in hospital is a nightmare..........
But at home it's difficult too, because you don't realise how often you turn over in the night.
Some statistics I found say that you turn over in bed on average between 30-40 times per night. This means that the knee then starts to protest and wakes you up.
So this morning I was up early having cornflakes to the birdsong at dawn:~)

There is the small problem of getting the surgical stocking on before going downstairs. Apparently one has to wear the bl...y thing for six weeks, which is no fun as it goes from groin to toe and the top of it tends to roll up and cut into the top of ones leg. I've solved this by using wide masking tape you normally use round windows when decorating. I just tape the top of the stocking to my leg. It's easy to remove.
Luckily I'm still flexible enough to get it one by myself without the district nurse having to call or use one of these contraptions.... Take a look
here into the future of such things.
So many people sent me cards, emails or rang me - thank you one and all ! I will answer all my mails asap. The best card I got was from my mother in law - it's like one of those "do not disturb" hangers you get in hotels, except it has a sick teddy on the front, who like me, did not want visitors.Thank you all for resisting the urge.
Rotterdam is a VERY multi cultural place, so there were a lot of patients from Suriname, the Antilles, Cape Verdi etc. They seem to have ALL their extended family come visit then EVERY visiting hour. The atmosphere gets really party like! I feel more like a sick animal that wants to crawl and hide under a bush !!
However now I am home and feel slightly more human

Do ring or mail me first so I can make sure I'm presentable :~)