A colleague (who shall remain nameless !) had lost the blog URL and went into Goggle to search for it......
Unfortunately there are a fair amount of Cockshull's active online , especially my 2nd cousin
Dr K.E. Cockshull, a well known horticultural researcher who's written a lot of books. So putting Cockshull into Google comes up with 11,100 hits.

Unfortunately there are a fair amount of Cockshull's active online , especially my 2nd cousin
Dr K.E. Cockshull, a well known horticultural researcher who's written a lot of books. So putting Cockshull into Google comes up with 11,100 hits.
However I too am pretty active online and refining the search to just me comes up with 928 hits.
I know this smacks of ego surfing, but admit it - you've all done it at least once, and if you haven't perhaps now's the time :~))
I know this smacks of ego surfing, but admit it - you've all done it at least once, and if you haven't perhaps now's the time :~))
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