Monday, 2 August 2010

Day 40 Naughty, naughty ..............

Oh dear - I got told off (again) this morning by my physiotherapist, for doing too much over the weekend.

All I did was a bit of weeding and couple of household jobs, but it's made my knee hot and swollen.

We had two new bannister's fixed last week, to make going up and down the stairs easier. I can now have one crutch upstairs and one down :~)) 

They also moved the washing machine upstairs from the garage. This makes life easier too, especially in the winter. The washing can now all be kept on the same floor instead of being carted up and down the stairs. The carpenter fixed the study door so I can now get onto the roof garden to hang the wash outside, without going via the greenhouse, which was a tad prickly at times !

So a day of rest today and lots of cooling with ice, as I see the specialist next Monday and I want it to be OK.

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