I'm slowly getting back into the swing of things but find that I am still tired out after to much brain or pysical exertion... I tend to drop of in the afternoon !
But after being involved in a somewhat difficult project for the last couple of years, there is now light at the end of the tunnel !
So I've been picking up an old project that is close to my heart.
It concerns a computer program for repeat offenders. A very small percentage of them are responsible for a disproportionally large number of crimes committed. In America 6% of this type of criminal commits 70% of the crimes.
Statistics for Britain and Holland are similar.

There are five things, for me, that influence job satisfaction: The work itself, the location with regard to travelling time, the salary, ones colleagues and of course what the coffee is like. If these are all in balance life is perfect, but if one aspect is too much out of balance, life can be hell.
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